Saturday, January 23, 2010

Psalms 40:1

Yesterday i went an had an upper GI endoscopy and biopsy of my small intestine. Results from the endoscopy came back normal, but will not have the results of the biopsy for a few days to a few weeks. Taylor brought me these beautiful flowers went i got home from my procedure :)

When going into the procedure i couldn't help but think how blessed i am that during all the pain and darkness around the world, here i am, healthy, at an amazing hospital where the people in Haiti should be getting treated. Doctors are treating me for a little inconvenience when there are children needing so much more.

I love John Pipers book, "When the Darkness Will Not Lift". Piper writes about how waiting in darkness doesn't mean we are lost or alone. He quotes Psalms 40:1-- "i waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry." David was not afraid to cry. It is a beautiful thing when a broken man cries out to God. One of my favorite lines of his book is, "after the cry, you wait". I love that. We wait. How hard it is to be patient in the hour of darkness. "We don't make peace with darkness, we fight for JOY. Never forget that your security rests on Christ's faithfulness first."


  1. Yeah, love your blog!!! You would have the cutest one ever. :)

  2. Wow, what I would give to have been this wise as a 20 year old. My girls are so blessed to get to grow up with YOU for a mentor. Thanking God for you in our lives. ; )
